Category Archives: Republican Party

Charles Murray Gets This Right About Trump

While there are parts I differ with, this article* by Charles Murray gets a lot right, especially with regard to the condescension of the new elite class toward working class whites. That’s why his antagonism toward Trump is so puzzling. While Murray has not been snarky about it, unlike much of the elite class he discusses, his objections to Trump have largely consisted, from what I have seen, to what I call sophistication signaling. In the face of the sea change in national character that he describes, such objections strike me as deck chairs on the Titanic.

* The article is behind a paywall on my computer, but I was able to access the whole thing when I clicked on it from FaceBook.

George Will, a Phony Conservative, Attempts to Gatekeep Conservatism

George will has his panties in a wad over Donald Trump and attempts to protect the integrity of conservatism as he sees it in this rant. Who does George Will think he is fooling acting as the defender of conservatism? Sam Francis had this pretender’s number 30 years ago. (Sorry for the odd spacing, but the original sources was in columns so that’s how it pasted.)

Although Will is sometimes called a
“neo-conservative,” he is not one. Neoconservatives
typically derive more or
less conservative policy positions from essentially
liberal premises. Will in fact does
the opposite: he derives from more or less
unexceptionable premises of classical
conservatism policy positions that are
often congruent with the current liberal
agenda. It is because he accepts, and
wants to be accepted by, the “achievements”
of modem liberalism that he ignores
or sneers at the serious conservative
thinkers and leaders of our time who
have sought to break liberal idols and that
he voices no criticism of the powers that
support liberalism. It is therefore not surprising
that his commentary is welcomed
in and rewarded by liberal power centers.
They have little to fear from him and his
ideas and much to gain if his version of
“conservatism” should gain currency. He
enjoys every prospect of a bright future in
their company. ~ Sam Francis, Modern Age, Spring 1986

Thoughts on the GOP #OmnibusBill Surrender

As anyone who knows me knows, I have no love loss for the Republican Party Establishment, but even I just assumed that a majority of House Republicans would vote against the omnibus spending bill, due to the outcry of the base, and it would pass because of the votes of a majority of the Dems. It passed 316 – 113 overall and 150 – 95 among the Republican caucus. Good grief! Even I underestimated the perfidy of the modern GOP. And you can’t just blame this on the GOP “Establishment.” 150 of your House members is the rank-and-file. Every Republican yea voter should be primaried.

Chuck Baldwin Endorses Rand Paul

Baldwin has been saying some positive things about Trump, so this comes as a bit of a surprise. I respect Baldwin, so I’ll pass this on. I think the mistake he makes is in prioritizing the police state issues ahead of the immigration issue. This is from his Facebook page:

Faithful readers of this post know that I have previously provided objective commentary–complete with pluses and minuses–on most of the Republican presidential candidates. They also know that I have spoken quite positively about Donald Trump. But heretofore I have endorsed no one. Until now.

First, I believe the biggest threats to liberty we face have NOTHING to do with Islamic terrorism. We have far more to fear from those miscreants in Washington, D.C., and from the international bankers at the Federal Reserve than any radical Muslim. Hence, all of the fearmongering about Muslim jihad and Sharia Law in America only plays into the hands of the globalists who are orchestrating all of this madness.

Second, I am absolutely convinced that the greatest threats to our liberty are, 1) The neocon wars of aggression around the world–especially in the Middle East, 2) A burgeoning Police State here in the United States.

I have now had plenty of time to examine the candidates regarding his or her commitment to defeating these two great threats to our liberty; and there is only ONE Republican candidate that sees these threats and would use the power of the Oval Office to defeat them–or at least curtail them:

That candidate is RAND PAUL.

I know that Rand is NOT his dad. I am not nearly as excited about Rand as I was Ron. And there are several issues with which I disagree with Rand.

But I firmly believe Rand gets the whole neocon war issue and would put a stop to it if he were President. In this regard, Rand might be the ONLY major party presidential candidate who could potentially avert WWIII. I further believe Rand gets the Zionist issue and would not be a patsy for the Israeli lobby.

I also believe Rand truly sees the growing Police State in this country and would rein in these out-of-control federal Departments of Justice and Homeland Security.

NONE of the other candidates would do anything significant to change America’s foreign policy or to rein in the growing Police State in our country.

Accordingly, as I pan the two major party presidential candidates, there is only one choice in 2016: RAND PAUL.

This is the the comment I posted:

The biggest threat to liberty we face is the country turning irreversibly Blue in a couple of decades if current immigration trends continue. Immigration is the only issue that matters because all the other issue rise and fall on the country not turning Blue.

2012 Constitution Party Nominee, Virgil Goode, Joins Trump Campaign Team!

Virgil Goode, former Congressman and 2012 Constitution Party Presidential nominee, is now part of Trump’s campaign team in Virginia. What was that about Trump not being conservative enough? I had some differences with Goode, but he always got the immigration issue.

HT: Ballot Access News

Paul Ryan is a Disaster Already

Paul Ryan is already turning into a disaster as Speaker of the House. The “conservative” Republicans that voted for him, can’t say I didn’t warn them. See here, and here. Here are a few links illustrating the point.

Beltway insiders are happy with Ryan for standing up to the right.

Says he won’t support cuts in Muslim immigration.

Laughs at Trump’s immigration plan.