Category Archives: Cosmopolitanism

Burkini Vs. Victorian Bathing Suit

With Islam challenging cosmopolitan interculturalism, we’ve created a dichotomy between: Secular vs. Islam.

This places skimpy bathing suits on the side of “the West”. But where is a Christian to stand?

Both the bikini and the burkini are degrading to a woman. The burkini covers the face as if to deface the wearer, make her look deformed.

Well, I propose that we remember the Victorian bathing suit!

Though such a suit might be impractical, it is surely not more impractical than a bikini, which does not always remain tied to the wearer during a swim. A Victorian bathing suit commands respect. Rather than turn boys on, it would surely attract the sort of responsible man a Victorian lady is seeking to help raise a large family.

Perhaps an intermediary bathing suit would be best, one between the Victorian and the modern. Or perhaps another period’s style is better still. I am no expert on bathing suits.

I dislike the Muslims taking the side of God. The West should declare that we side with the real God, not with the secular.

Will Democrats Become the War Party?

At the conclusion of Zaid Jilani’s Neoconservatives Declare War on Donald Trump, he writes:

With Trump’s ascendancy, it’s possible that the parties will reorient their views on war and peace, with Trump moving the GOP to a more dovish direction and Clinton moving the Democrats towards greater support for war.

Even if Democrats come to dominate in the US, having conservatives identify as dovish would be a wonderful thing.

This would lead to a natural dichotomy between empire and GK Chesterton’s Patriotic Idea. Secessionists (eg. Basques and Catalans) and non-interventionists would come to be seen in a positive light. No longer would the left-wing enjoy the moral high ground, and conservatism, rather than Sanders’s socialism, might come to be in vogue among students.

In other news, Brexit is now the majority choice. The EU has been a disaster, and I hope a breakup leads to greater peace and stability. Following the EU might go NATO. And following NATO we might see the break up of Russia, which would hopefully not lead to a Napoleon of Notting Hill scenario.

“Don’t you really think the sacred Notting Hill at all absurd?”

“Absurd?” asked Wayne, blankly. “Why should I?”

The King stared back equally blankly.

“I beg your pardon?” he said.

“Notting Hill,” said the Provost, simply, “is a rise or high ground
of the common earth, on which men have built houses to live,
in which they are born, fall in love, pray, marry, and die.
Why should I think it absurd?”

How humane you are, how tender, how considerate. You will make war
for a frontier, or the imports of a foreign harbour; you will shed
blood for the precise duty on lace, or the salute to an admiral.
But for the things that make life itself worthy or miserable…how
humane you are.

Hollande Calls for New Euro-Zone Government

French President Francois Hollande quote:

“Circumstances are leading us to accelerate,” Hollande said in an opinion piece published by the Journal du Dimanche on Sunday. “What threatens us is not too much Europe, but a lack of it.”


Many have been hoping that the Greece crisis, and perhaps soon Portugal, others, would lead to a break up of the European Union. Many have pointed out that the EU is poorly designed and undemocratic. However, I wish to argue that the EU was never intended to endure. It was intended as an entry into an integrated European empire.

During this time of uncertainty and change, there is a chance we’ll have good change, breaks from the EU. But it is also possible we’ll see bad change, a new integrated European leviathan: A clone of the American leviathan.

Lesson learned: Free trade and open-border immigration lead to an integrated polity. And revolution can bring good or bad change.

Strange Hit Pieces on Paula Deen

After being bashed for exaggerated “racism”, Paula Deen is bullied yet again.

Paula Deen tweeted a comical photo of her family dressed as the cast of I Love Lucy. This included Ricky, a Cuban with a darker complexion. Her son darkened his skin and is now condemned for “wearing blackface”.

The most flagrant bullying I’ve seen is found at Yahoo, which also bashed CofCC’s new president, striving to link him with Republican candidates.

Partly this is bullying. It won’t stop until whites grow tired of having to jump through hoops to demonstrate how unracist they are. Partly this is the Internet and mass society: There’s a tendency to manufacture fictional enemies to bash in service to one’s abstract group or monetary interest. No one seems to mind that Paula Deen or Earl Holt are human. They’re strangers, and bashing strangers is “fun” within mass society and the Internet.

For me, this reinforces my reverence for smaller, more decentralised society where the weak aren’t preyed upon, strangers aren’t randomly bullied.

Iraq: Assyrian Artifacts Destroyed

News Link: IS Destroys Ancient Artifacts (Daily Mail).

The destabilisation of Iraq and mass immigration into Europe have created a sort of Bolshevik Muslim who has no home, no ethnicity, only Islam. Such is the essence of Islamic State. Many of its fighters are foreign, not Arab, and the same cosmopolitan, anti-heritage tendency can be expected from other Muslims in Western lands. As diversity grows, it might be that European artifacts and books should be stored in Iceland, Finland, or Japan, three of the last non-cosmopolitan global holdouts.

The US has spent $2 trillion destabilising Iraq, and the mess only grows worse. Millions of Muslims have been imported into Europe and her colonies, and ancient Muslim and Christian communities have been eradicated in Iraq’s chaos.

Bush and Obama, together, have ruined Iraq and with it some of the oldest relics. Iraq, under secular Saddam Hussein, would never have allowed the destruction of its museums. The ancient Marsh Arabs were victims of Hussein, but order was at least preserved, most heritage preserved. We saw similar destruction and looting in Egypt when the US helped remove Mohamed Morsi and in Iraq after Hussein’s removal. Libya, another American victim, has also been destabilised after Gaddafi’s removal.

This is just too horrific for words; Cosmopolitanism is an evil thing. Perhaps more important than opposing immigration is stopping US foreign involvement. Israel and Middle East Sunnis want similar attacks on Iran and whatever remains of Assad’s Syria. I would wish the destruction of whatever is sacred to these war-mongering brutes, but I expect they’re no different from Russian Bolsheviks who valued nothing, hate all heritage as false idols that obstruct “reason” or abstract faith.

There is little difference between an Islamic Bolshevik and a secular humanist Bolshevik. They both wish the destruction of tradition, heritage, identity. The only means of resisting is to keep out immigrants, oppose miscegenation, preserve identity. A Traditionalist, be he Muslim or Christian, can in theory balance a respect for tradition with his faith. A cosmopolitan, however, lives in the abstract and is thus unstable, dangerous.

It’s fitting that Nick Griffin, a nationalist, helped avoid war in Syria, for a time, until Obama’s aid to Syrian rebels resulted in ISIS. Nick Griffin can currently be found here (Facebook).