Category Archives: Paleo Lifestyle

Burkini Vs. Victorian Bathing Suit

With Islam challenging cosmopolitan interculturalism, we’ve created a dichotomy between: Secular vs. Islam.

This places skimpy bathing suits on the side of “the West”. But where is a Christian to stand?

Both the bikini and the burkini are degrading to a woman. The burkini covers the face as if to deface the wearer, make her look deformed.

Well, I propose that we remember the Victorian bathing suit!

Though such a suit might be impractical, it is surely not more impractical than a bikini, which does not always remain tied to the wearer during a swim. A Victorian bathing suit commands respect. Rather than turn boys on, it would surely attract the sort of responsible man a Victorian lady is seeking to help raise a large family.

Perhaps an intermediary bathing suit would be best, one between the Victorian and the modern. Or perhaps another period’s style is better still. I am no expert on bathing suits.

I dislike the Muslims taking the side of God. The West should declare that we side with the real God, not with the secular.

The Paleo Diet as a Revolt Against the Modern World

At traditionalRIGHT:

What makes the Paleo diet different is that it isn’t just a diet — it’s part of a lifestyle, and a revolutionary one at that. The Paleo rallying cry is that the artificial, top-down, and shrink-wrapped environment we’ve been conned into accepting is killing us. The good news is that we can free ourselves and live healthier, longer lives by taking responsibility for our health and survival.

However, judging from discussions and articles I’ve seen on pro-Paleo sites, many who think they’re living the Paleo life don’t understand the vital importance of physical fitness. And many more still depend exclusively on technology — firearms — for self-defense. I’d like to propose a pro-Paleo regimen that fills in these gaps.

Read the rest at traditionalRIGHT.