Author Archives: redphillips

New York Times Runs Front Page Editorial for Gun Control

Certain kinds of weapons, like the slightly modified combat rifles used in California, and certain kinds of ammunition, must be outlawed for civilian ownership. It is possible to define those guns in a clear and effective way and, yes, it would require Americans who own those kinds of weapons to give them up for the good of their fellow citizens. – New York Times

Ummm… yeah, good luck with that.

The Three Certainties After Every Domestic Terrorism Incident

1) liberals will blame guns

2) interventionist conservatives will think it means we should bomb some far off nation (what we should really do is restrict immigration and disengage from the Middle East)

3) PC flag fliers will signal like crazy on social media that they harbor no wrongthink in their PC pristine minds unlike all those poopy headed wrongthinkers.

The third group is by far the most insufferable.

Robert Davi is All Aboard the #TrumpTrain Baby!

This is a must read article by actor Robert Davi. Who knew Davi was such a right-winger?

We should thank God that Trump is in this race. The media and the establishment are terrified. They all have their instructions and they are in lockstep. You see, my dear fellow Americans, if Trump wins the gig is up. He will set back the destruction of America, and the globalists are in a panic. They paint Trump and his supporters as racist and uneducated. Well, guess what – I am neither and I know quite a few people who are for Trump. Some will not openly come out and say they support him because they’re afraid of being falsely labeled by some here in Hollywood…

Nothing will change in America with Kasich or any of these other candidates. Nothing. It will slow down a bit or get worse, but the current direction will continue until there is nothing left of this country. We will have a multicultural hellhole that eventually will be destroyed. The last line of defense is Donald Trump. With his brash, politically incorrect posturing, Donald Trump is holding a mirror up to the hypocrisy that has become America – a drug addicted, weak, and rudderless nation fluttering on the brink of being dismantled from within. ~ Robert Davi

2012 Constitution Party Nominee, Virgil Goode, Joins Trump Campaign Team!

Virgil Goode, former Congressman and 2012 Constitution Party Presidential nominee, is now part of Trump’s campaign team in Virginia. What was that about Trump not being conservative enough? I had some differences with Goode, but he always got the immigration issue.

HT: Ballot Access News

Paul Ryan is a Disaster Already

Paul Ryan is already turning into a disaster as Speaker of the House. The “conservative” Republicans that voted for him, can’t say I didn’t warn them. See here, and here. Here are a few links illustrating the point.

Beltway insiders are happy with Ryan for standing up to the right.

Says he won’t support cuts in Muslim immigration.

Laughs at Trump’s immigration plan.

The Real Reason Ronda Rousey Lost

I see a lot of people are attributing Ronda Rousey’s loss to the karma associated with her recent endorsement of Bernie Sanders, but this is not the case. It’s really karma for her accepting the Patrick Swayze role in the remake of Road House (something I vehemently denounced here at CHT), the cosmic implications of which are much more significant. That kick to the head was the cosmos’ way of saying “You ain’t no James Dalton, so stop frontin’.”

Hey Newly Curious Press, Perhaps You Could Look Into the Story of @Danney_Williams

If the newly curious press that is so interested in Ben Carson’s past needs another story to investigate, they might consider this one. It’s a post from Danney William’s Facebook page.

Help my story go viral. Share!Share!Share!

My name is Danney Lee Williams, I’m the son of the 42nd President of the United States- Bill Clinton. He left me behind when he became president and haven’t looked back since. I want to know why he choose not to be a father to me and a grandfather to my 5 kids. All my life I’ve been hurt growing up without a father. Share my post to help me shed light on my story so I can get the answers I deserve.