Eagle Forum Members Turn on Their Founder, Schlafly

Eagle Forum members seek to oust Schlafly over Trump endorsement:

Over the weekend, Eagle Forum president Ed Martin emailed the group’s members about a recently uncovered “scheme to push Phyllis Schlafly out of Eagle Forum.”

She praised Trump highly in December:

He does look like he’s the last hope [for America]. We don’t hear anybody saying what he’s saying. In fact, most of the people who ought to be lining up with him are attacking him.

And she fully endorsed Trump, March 11.

There should be no surprise in Schlafly’s rejection of Cruz after this. And from NumbersUSA:

Sen. Cruz, during an April 2015 speech, boasted of trying to raise H-1B visas five fold and said, “There is no stronger advocate of legal immigration in the U.S. Senate than I am.” Source: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/ted-cruz-tiptoes-around-immigration-hispanic-business-event

Schlafly is a big deal. The Republican Party has struggled this year to figure just what conservatism is. We hear it’s pro-life. We hear it wants tax cuts. We don’t hear much else. Well, Schlafly is indisputably a conservative, one with substance. Like Senator Sessions, she’s chosen to endorse Trump, and that’s a problem for the fanatical Cruz Kool-Aid drinkers. Cruz has rightly praised both conservative heroes.

I’m likely repeating myself here, but Trump has 3 revolutions backing him: 1. immigration. 2. trade. 3. foreign policy. Some of his supporters emphasise one area or another. I’ve also seen excitement in how Trump is an end to “small government conservatism” which is seen as serving big business interests, not conservatism. I’d argue that Trump is focusing on the most important issues. And Trump does want to reduce waste in social security.

A quick list of some of Trump’s brilliant arguments and solutions: 1. End anchor baby interpretation of the 14th, which is against the amendment’s spirit. 2. NAFTA and similar trade deals are bad for America. 3. NATO is outdated. 4. The Iraq War, Libyan War, and similar excursions have been unnecessary, expensive failures. 5. America shouldn’t support so much of others’ defence (Germany, S. Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia), nor so much of NATO. 6. NATO is outdated, should focus on terrorism. 7. US foreign policy has been especially unkind to ME Christians.

Perhaps I should say: Those are 7 taboos Trump has broken. Candidates are most certainly not supposed to speak any of those. Even Cruz with his deeply trade protectionist platform praises NAFTA and pretends to not realise he’s advocating for protectionism.

Also, as noted here previously, Trump has been right on trade though portrayed as wrong. Trade is his primary issue, and he understands it very well. A point I’ll add: Bring investment back to the US, tie businesses thusly to the fate of the US, and they’ll be more interested in America’s future (less inclined to support candidates like Cruz). Trade is important.

While Trump has made mistakes, most of the official mistakes have been largely media fabrications. Trump also has not really flipped positions, only made small adjustments, whereas Cruz has flipped a great deal (eg).

I’ll try to make a complete post soon on Trump and Cruz, or complete with the information I have readily at hand. So much information comes out with each day that it’s difficult to keep up. The media says Trump has no substance, but the truth is there’s so much substance now that it’s time consuming to argue a complete case. Part of that substance includes how much dirt there is now on Cruz. Thankfully we’re down to a mostly two-man race, so we can focus on just the two candidates.

1 thought on “Eagle Forum Members Turn on Their Founder, Schlafly

  1. Pingback: Eagle Forum possibly attempting to oust Phyllis Schlafly over Trump endorsement | | Eye on the Republic

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